What is YOUR view of Fate?
Do you know what will unfold in your life a second from now - a day, week, or year? A world of con artists will tell you what yours is - for a suitable fee. Don't fall for it. In my humble opinion fate is NOT predictable.
This makes it an equalizer among all individuals or species. It is this aspect of fate that gave rise to faith and religion in the first place. People need something to explain the unknown. Religion has been taking advantage of this from the beginning of time (whatever that means).
What triggered this column? Yesterday I was talking to my neighbour and playing with a young and beautiful dog in my unfenced back yard. He had been pet-sitting and came across from his own yard to talk. The dog darted around in freedom - a large dog in a large yard. She is usually in a condo.
Today while I was drinking a coffee inside and observing my front yard the same neighbour suddenly appeared chasing the frisky unleashed dog. She usually darts away a few yards and waits for him to catch her. We live on a busy highway - 5 lanes of traffic. Suddenly I witnessed fate several times.
1. The dog while dragging its leash decided to take off across the highway at full speed. There was a lot of traffic. Thankfully a couple of cars managed to avoid her by inches.
2. Then my neighbour had to run - with some caution - across the same lanes to retrieve her from a ditch opposite our houses. He managed to slow down cars enough to avoid being hit himself.
3. I expected the dog to run through the traffic, returning to our side as his keeper approached. To her this is a game.
4. He emerged from the ditch with the fortunate dog on leash at his side. Luckily he had managed to secure her.
5. They both managed to cross back safely to our side.
Both of their fates could have unfolded in a far more tragic way. Why was he lucky?
In California several families wake up one day and everything they own - businesses, homes, and personal belongings have turned to ash in an instant by a wildfire. Most survive with their lives. Some do not.
A friend repeats an activity performed hundreds of times and verifies a lottery ticket. He is suddenly rich beyond his wildest dreams. Fate can be good. Meanwhile a close relative is told by her doctor that she has ALS.
Entire countries and populations are being demolished by greedy dictators. The fate of a nation depends on an election. One child is born with a brain like Einstein's. Beside it in a hospital bed is another with a mental handicap. One elephant, moose, or whale is slaughtered while others survive.
As humans we can attempt to minimize the effects of some horrible and some beautiful events, but few other animals can.
Destiny we can control and we alone can mitigate the destiny of every living thing on this planet. We are failing. Will fate punish the worst perpetrators?
Are you one of them?
What is YOUR view of Fate?
Do you know what will unfold in your life a second from now - a day, week, or year? A world of con artists will tell you what yours is - for a suitable fee. Don't fall for it. In my humble opinion fate is NOT predictable.
This makes it an equalizer among all individuals or species. It is this aspect of fate that gave rise to faith and religion in the first place. People need something to explain the unknown. Religion has been taking advantage of this from the beginning of time (whatever that means).
What triggered this column? Yesterday I was talking to my neighbour and playing with a young and beautiful dog in my unfenced back yard. He had been pet-sitting and came across from his own yard to talk. The dog darted around in freedom - a large dog in a large yard. She is usually in a condo.
Today while I was drinking a coffee inside and observing my front yard the same neighbour suddenly appeared chasing the frisky unleashed dog. She usually darts away a few yards and waits for him to catch her. We live on a busy highway - 5 lanes of traffic. Suddenly I witnessed fate several times.
1. The dog while dragging its leash decided to take off across the highway at full speed. There was a lot of traffic. Thankfully a couple of cars managed to avoid her by inches.
2. Then my neighbour had to run - with some caution - across the same lanes to retrieve her from a ditch opposite our houses. He managed to slow down cars enough to avoid being hit himself.
3. I expected the dog to run through the traffic, returning to our side as his keeper approached. To her this is a game.
4. He emerged from the ditch with the fortunate dog on leash at his side. Luckily he had managed to secure her.
5. They both managed to cross back safely to our side.
Both of their fates could have unfolded in a far more tragic way. Why was he lucky?
In California several families wake up one day and everything they own - businesses, homes, and personal belongings have turned to ash in an instant by a wildfire. Most survive with their lives. Some do not.
A friend repeats an activity performed hundreds of times and verifies a lottery ticket. He is suddenly rich beyond his wildest dreams. Fate can be good. Meanwhile a close relative is told by her doctor that she has ALS.
Entire countries and populations are being demolished by greedy dictators. The fate of a nation depends on an election. One child is born with a brain like Einstein's. Beside it in a hospital bed is another with a mental handicap. One elephant, moose, or whale is slaughtered while others survive.
As humans we can attempt to minimize the effects of some horrible and some beautiful events, but few other animals can.
Destiny we can control and we alone can mitigate the destiny of every living thing on this planet. We are failing. Will fate punish the worst perpetrators?
Are you one of them?