Friday 29 October 2021

Long Live Adam Kinzinger

 Hurray! Another Republican with some Balls!

Sadly Adam Kinzinger has had enough of his gutless colleagues most of whom have proven over the last several years that they have zero integrity. The former GOP is now the Trump puppet show. They are all willing to let The Donald pull their strings even knowing that he would cut them loose at any time while watching them crash to the ground.

Adam, Liz Cheney, and Mitt Romney still have some principles. Most of the others who now make up the party do not know the meaning of the word. They now live under the same rock as Tucker Carlson. The best thing America can do is find a bigger rock.

People get upset when there is any similarity implied between what is happening in America with the GOP headed by Trump, and the former Nazi Party headed by you know who. Way back then it all began the same way.

How long will it be before GOP members start wearing brown or black outfits, arm bands (perhaps the red cap is a substitute), and greet each other with their own unique salute.

Open your eyes America! It is all going down (way down) right in front of you.

Some day the Statue of Liberty will be a relic of a past democracy like the Greek Parthenon or the Italian Colosseum. The only difference? Current generations can still prevent it.


Wednesday 20 October 2021

POTUS Questions for Elections 2022 and 2024

 #America is Sinking like the Titanic, Iceberg and All

If a previous single term #President - for example The Donald - wanted to be President again, there are some questions I know I would be asking myself. Maybe you should too. Given their track record during the first term:

1. Assume there was another Titanic level disaster. Only 3 people were still alive onboard - him, an unknown woman, and a child. If there were only 2 life jackets, do you think the woman and child would be wearing them when the ship sank?

2. Has this person ever been in battle dodging real bullets, shrapnel, and bombs? If they had been called to serve in such a role, would they have done so without finding a way out of it?

3. If they ever asked anyone while viewing a military cemetery "what was in it" for the departed heroes would they be worthy of a second time in the White House?

4. If they joked with another man about grabbing women by their private parts without asking is that Presidential behaviour?

5. If they played any role whatsoever in instigating an insurrection against the office they already served during which their own Vice President was almost hanged, would they deserve a second chance?

6. If they admire and believe other autocrats who use raw power, terror, and corruption to keep themselves in office should they be allowed try it (again) in America?

7. If they can't stay in a single long term relationship the way so many who live the American Dream do, could you trust them to be loyal to their country either?

8. If they have been caught lying too many times to count could they change in a second term?

9. If they have countless lawsuits against them and have reneged on America's international agreements more than once, will anyone ever trust them again?

10. If you got this far and still want to re-elect this person give your head a shake.

The future of your democracy depends on you. I get 9 'no's as responses to the above. Only one should be required to deny another term.


Saturday 16 October 2021

Which Team are Manchin and Sinema on?

#Manchin / Sinema Stop Sabotaging your Party

As POTUS Trump always took the spotlight and credit from his team, including those he appointed. He is still making the same attempt. In his mind Donald Trump is the only person on the planet who deserves credit for anything. It fractured the GOP as we knew it but helped The Donald thanks to his base.

That is history. But now Manchin and Sinema are the ones grandstanding every chance they get. It is also fracturing their party and killing Biden. If either really wants to be the big Kahuna, they should run for the party leadership or The Presidency. Which team are they on? What are their real motives?

Many think that Manchin has a conflict of interest being involved directly in the coal industry. He denies it. Is his target actually anything that aims to reduce dependency on fossil fuels? As for Sinema nobody seems to know where she is going or why. Does she?

They should both give their own heads a shake. Their team is 10 yards from the end zone for a game winning TD and they are both running the wrong way! Naturally the opposition isn't going to tackle them so one of their own has to. They both know they won't be kicked out of the party at this point since every vote is needed. Enough is enough. Are they secretly trying to keep the Dems from a big majority in 2022 and 2024? If Democrats were to win a comfortable majority their two votes could no longer be as critical. Then both of them could become toast for their recent behaviour. Are they closet Republicans? We have seen stranger things in politics.

At this point they would gain far more acclaim and respect for helping to drive the team over the goal line. If they don't step up history will not be kind to either one. Put up and for the party's sake shut up!
