Monday 14 June 2021

Colonizing a new planet Part 1.

Mars? The Moon? Beyond?

If some day we have to colonize another place from our first touchdown - a true ground zero - what type of system would prevail?

In previous posts I have suggested that perhaps the lousy systems we have today, which are getting worse as time passes, were all a result of an experiment by some superior ETs. We were the lab rats. So what would my fellow rodents do elsewhere?

A better approach might be what should we avoid? History tells us that almost all previous civilizations eventually prevailed through the basic "might is right" approach. The strong and ruthless prevailed and the weak perished. This is the case in the animal kingdom, to the point of consuming the weaker. We seem to be on that track again. There is not much cannibalism - yet - but it has existed in the past.

Perhaps this question is why the TV series "Survivor" was so popular (just learned on Wikipedia that this show originated in Sweden where the show was called "Expedition Robinson" - who knew?). I always thought that the show was going to be about true surviving where the winner and natural leader would be the one who could build shelter, find food etc. for the others. Instead it is about how being devious and backstabbing wins out in the end.

Without script or production crew, death would be a very real possibility when colonizing a new place. It would be more like that crash of the aircraft in 1972 in the Andes mountains carrying a Rugby team with relatives and family. Only the strong survived and cannibalism was a big factor. Read the book "ALIVE" by Piers Paul Piers Paul Read. Movie: Alive (1993) - IMDb. Also see Miracle of the Andes: How Survivors of the Flight Disaster Struggled to Stay Alive - HISTORY Read. It makes the TV show look like a Hollywood movie. Likewise read "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding where the challenge had to be met by children. Lord of the Flies: Full Book Summary | SparkNotes and Lord of the Flies by William Golding (

The answer will probably be dictated by who lands there first. If it is the Chinese their system would likely prevail; Russians or Americans the same.

The interesting possibility will be if a cooperative effort between countries is needed. This would be like the international space station. In this case it appears that the individuals themselves can get along and cooperate. Back here on earth, their leaders can not.

So if it becomes possible to maintain life on another planet and some of us want or need to go there forever, then which system will prevail? It seems clear to me that we would not want to repeat our troubled ways here on Earth.

In Part 2 let's try to be more specific. I don't have much hope. Just look at The European Union; NATO; United Nations; United States; Soviet Union; United Kingdom, British Commonwealth, or former British Empire. Some are now gone or exist in name only and others are starting to crack.

Hmmmm? Look how many involved the Brits! Maybe they should not be a part of any new leadership union.


Saturday 12 June 2021

UFOs etc.

We are not alone

In my last post I wrote about the possible existence of other forms of life from elsewhere in the universe. It seemed to be popular.

I have written about this a few times. My favourite was "ET wants to come home" Feb. 16, 2018. To find these select "Aliens UFOs etc." above and scroll down until you see the title. (It was also included in the entry "Are we being punished by COVID-19". I suggest the original.)

Happy reading.


Wednesday 9 June 2021

UFOs and DJT

UFOs will always be newsworthy. Trump not so much.

Now that I have your attention, what is the connection between The Donald and ET and his mates? Not much. The only ones I can think of are news and headlines. Trump's will come and go if they have not already. UFOs have always generated excitement on the front page and always will.

Both involve theories, rumors, cover ups, and probably lies. Supposedly Roswell involved a UFO crash but nobody is certain. Trump crashed for the entire world to see. Both involve denials.

I don't know about these small objects allegedly of great speed in the news lately. It seems to me that anything from another place in the universe would have to be larger both to get here and return, and to carry other creatures, whatever their form.

I believe it is simple. Earth is like a single grain of sand in the miles of Daytona or the Sahara desert compared to all heavenly bodies out there. We can't even grasp the numbers. Wikipedia names a centillion as 10 to the 303rd power (600th power in some systems). I have no concept of that nor does anyone else. It is a bunch of zeros on a page.

Given this however, why on earth (pun intended) would anyone believe we on our miniscule grain of sand are alone? Look at the sky tonight. You are seeing light from stars that has been travelling (at the speed of light - another earthly concept) for millions of years. Just try to absorb that for a moment. If creatures ever do arrive and introduce themselves, they could be millions of years or more old. That alone requires a vastly different life form.

Religious theories of the origin of humans are just that - theories - answers for humans, thousands of years ago to a question everyone pondered but were afraid or too uneducated to ask. The answer was created by humans, written by the few clever men (never women - not permitted), and then preached to the ignorant and forced upon them under threat of death or torture. Those who require a black and white explanation for everything still believe it.

If a virus so small humans can't see it with the naked eye, with no brain as we know it can bring human kind to its knees, what else is out there that can do the same thing? We are limited by our human perceptions, which among others, have trouble understanding time as another dimension. It IS a dimension - remember the stars mentioned above. Are there other dimensions?

So these blips of light apparently only reported by Navy pilots could be anything. I doubt they are extraterrestrial but could very well be a technology developed by another country who - perish the thought - is miles ahead of the USA.

In the meantime they make great news and should not be feared. Trump and his puppets whose brains are sometimes also questionable, are scary indeed.
