Saturday, 27 March 2021

Somewhere Over the American Rainbow

The Dreams That You Care To Dream Really Don't Come True

Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that was once so free before the Big Lie.
It was served by two parties, red and blue,
And the dreams that they all did dream now will not come true.

Won't waste my wish upon a star 
Up where ideals and truth are far behind me. 
Where honor melts and pledges drop
And lies are broadcast from the top
That's where I find me.

There's a Statue of Freedom, way up high
And The Statue of Liberty both now wear a sigh.

They once stood tall and made us strong
Now there's no rainbow, what_the_hell_went_wrong??



Friday, 26 March 2021

Georgia on my Mind - and Everyone Else's

Georgia Not So Sweet After All

There is no logical or reasonable explanation for Georgia and its governor signing SB202. He says it will make it easier to vote and hard to cheat - RIGHT (extreme right)! If you believe that I am not parking my sleigh on YOUR roof next year.

Replacing the secretary of state as chair of the state election board? Remove and replace ANY election official for poor performance? Photo ID in order to vote is reasonable except you can bet your bottom dollar that if you are black or not white enough, hell will freeze over before you get that ID for the next election. What is next? Even with a valid ID your name is conveniently not present on the local voting list when you do show up to cast your ballot? That would be easy to do - clerical error naturally but still delay your vote until it is too late.

Since it is now published, just read the first page. If an election is not going the way they want it to go, the government can effectively replace, terminate, introduce, restrict etc., etc. anything and anyone they want. They say that they are fixing problems. The word is correct - FIX. The FIX is now in for sure.

Amazing! After spreading the Big Lie about the last election being rigged, they are now trying to publicly rig all future elections in Georgia. This is like all of the umpires calling a time out, and meeting in center field during a ball game to change the rules themselves in favour of the home team.

As some have already said, this is the GOP choosing the electorate it wants to vote instead of the citizens choosing who they want to run their government. It must be overturned.

It is time to call in world bodies to monitor and oversee American Presidential elections. Perhaps it should be Russia, China, or The Philippines.


Tuesday, 23 March 2021

I Love You - is it Overused?

I Love You, a Much Diluted Phrase

Many people will disagree with me on this but that is what writing opinions is all about. Take "I love you". Love in its true sense is not yet taxable or forbidden (but who knows what the future holds?) and that is to be celebrated for sure. But what does LOVE really mean? THAT is the question.

Is it really just me and my generation - baby boomers - or has the phrase "I love you" or the more common "Love you" become just an automatic and almost compulsory utterance? In my family none of us felt unloved (2 brothers and a sister) while at home. The hard work and sacrifice on the part of my parents to give us a decent life - the best they could - went hand in hand with family love. I don't recall any frequent "I love yous"  but also didn't feel deprived since my friends' families were similar.

Today I hear the phrase everywhere and every day from almost everyone. People can't leave home or hang up the phone without saying it. Preponderance of phones is probably a factor here adding to the frequency but it seems now like nothing more than "See you"; "Bye". Just like "How's it going?" and "How are you?" - you don't really want to hear someone tell you how they are for ten minutes. It is simply a traditional greeting. In the same way "I love you" has become both traditional and expected.

I am not criticizing here - if those who follow the practice feel that their family is better off for it so be it. Good for them.

To me however, it begs the question what is left for expressing special feelings for that very special person - often your physical partner - if you say the same thing to everybody else? Do they merit "I really love you?" "Double love you?" As well the word is used in everyday language way too often. My wife watches many designer / renovation shows. Every day I overhear "I just love that colour!"; "I love that lampshade!"; "I just love that toilet!"

In the heat of passion with the speaker if I were to hear "I love you" or "I love it when you do that" I would have to wonder "Yeah but more than the toilet" I heard you admiring this morning?

I think we need new expressions for those moments. Keep the "I love you" for departures and hang-ups but let's have something better for the warm glow of cuddling after lovemaking. Any suggestions?

Maybe you should just say "Oh by the way, I bought you that lamp!" and hand it over while you are both still in the mood! Save the toilet for something REALLY special!
