Sunday 21 March 2021

Ranting Rand Paul vs the ever cool Anthony Faucci

 Forget the mask Rand. Get a muzzle.

What a mouthpiece! Ophthalmologists are one of the higher paying professions. Why is he now a Senator? It seems apparent that he can't see straight when it comes to issues - maybe it goes beyond that.

Ophthalmologists and Optometrists deal in daily routine for the most part - only what they have been taught UNTIL scientists discover new things and pass them on to the practitioners. Dr. Faucci deals with the unknown and the undiscovered and has been doing so most of his working life. I would trust Faucci over Paul any day of my life.

Rand Paul is also a professional politician. Faucci is not. What more of an explanation do you need as to which one to trust? Rand deals in hindsight and destructive criticism. There is nothing easier and more worthless. It has now become the disease of the GOP.

Take a bow Anthony. Take a hike Rand.


Friday 19 March 2021

Has Human Evolution Reversed?

Human Beings - Still Acting Like Animals

When I learned about the Theory of Evolution, I was sold. It was simply a more logical explanation than any religious one. I probably just lost half of my audience but there it is.

So what distinguishes us from our evolutionary forefathers? I came up with the following and your list would likely be similar:

- Humans have complex spoken languages. Ditto for written communication
- Humans can theorize, postulate, test theories and solve complex problems
- Humans can reason - I think some of that happens in animals also
- Humans can self-criticize, albeit reluctantly
- Humans laugh and cry. Perhaps animals do but we fail to recognize it
- Humans only possess 2 legs but our other 2 appendages are more dexterous

If we are so advanced over animals then why do we often revert to acting like them - some of the dumbest and the most vicious? Given the opportunity I suspect many animals would love to trade places - or would they? Permit me to point out some of the more admirable traits of animals. I will leave you to use your advanced brain to infer whatever you wish from them.

Animals do not:

- Eat more than they need to survive
- Kill for pleasure or fashion
- Stab each other in the back - only in The Lion King (a human creation)
- Plan and conduct wars on their peers as a power grab
- Create any waste that is not organic
- Breed humans to slaughter and eat
- Practice polygamy for sheer pleasure based on "religious" justification
- Keep humans as pets or for deadly sport
- Lie
- Expand their habitat beyond their needs at the expense of their peers
- Create weapons and poisonous substances to eradicate their peers 

Animals do:

- Kill for survival alone
- Practice polygamy but without knowing they do so
- Grow to be the largest living creatures on earth as complete vegetarians
- Remain totally loyal to their human friends and keepers
- Die horrible deaths from products created by humans
- Manage to live and coexist without religious or political leaders
- Rely on the female to maintain the home and do the child rearing
- Keep fit enough to exist through their daily routines

Here is one more I could have included in both. Animals are not knowingly condemning the earth to an early destruction. Animals would - if they could - do something about that immediately.

Isn't Evolution great?


Thursday 18 March 2021

OPINION: Public Profanity, Potty Mouth, F Bomb, Swearing

 Can You Control Your Swearing?

In my last post I discussed my belief that some people show their true colours when they lose their temper. This is likely true for all of us to some degree. Do you make an effort to use discretion before dropping the popular "F" bomb in public in any of its popular forms?

I do but sometimes it seems that I am in the minority. To me you leave that behind in the school yard or at least at high school or college/university. There is a time and a place but I would prefer they are not anytime and anyplace. It is a matter of self-discipline and there is the problem. That is tough for many people as it applies to swearing, dieting, saving for the future, exercise and many other things. It is as though once they escaped any parental influence or "rules" they have to rebel and take pleasure in doing all things which were forbidden in the past. Personally I don't get it. Grow up. We all know that as adults we CAN swear - I just choose not to do so.

In my youth we were chastised for even saying "hell'' or "damn". Only once or twice did I ever hear my father drop the F-bomb and he was alone at the time - probably thought he was out of earshot. Not once did my mother ever use it.

The problem (OK, to some it is NOT a problem) is that unless you look around, you never know who is within earshot when speaking or shouting in public. Also public figures in modern media have no idea who their audience might include. Such language is offensive to many seniors and inappropriate for young kids to hear in my opinion. It makes me wonder whether people who don't seem to share my concern use such language at home in front of their kids and permit them do the same regardless of age.

It is one thing when I am with friends in a small group drinking beer, playing golf or whatever. It is quite another however, every morning at a favourite coffee shop when I hear it in every other sentence or in public places like stores and buses. I find it to be completely out of place for leaders in our government especially when being broadcast.

Think of some of the funniest people on TV over the years both male and female. Not once did they rely on swearing to try to get laughs. Perhaps they might have relaxed the discipline a bit at a private club but not in front of the world stage. Also their networks would not have allowed it. Today even that has changed.

If this makes me a prude or an elitist, so be it. I slip but rarely in public. There again I do use religious references in vain more frequently and that probably offends some people. When I am alone I use the word all the time in self-anger: stub my toe, break a dish etc. My spouse hears it unfortunately and even more rarely she might say it in anger herself - never in public.

I recognize this is a personal choice but like all morals and standards, this is yet another area of decorum that is disappearing.

Please comment below.


Tuesday 16 March 2021

Sharon Osbourne etc.

Temper often brings out true colours

So The View is off the air for a while. My spouse watches this every day and often I overhear the content. I heard about the latest hissy fit on another network.

I wrote a separate post about Meghan, Oprah and Piers (see "Harry and Meghan with Oprah" in this Blog) and expressed my views on Piers. But apparently he is a friend of Sharon and that gives her a much different perspective than his own viewers. I have seen clips now of the "incident" and I really didn't see what all the fuss was about from either Sharon or Sheryl. I did think that Sharon over-reacted and it did sound like "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." She was almost saying "How could I possibly be racist - after all I am here with you every day" - that's how it came across without being stated.

If I have a friend who is in trouble over comments made or views expressed, that does not make me guilty of anything. I should also be permitted a "no comment" approach. For example I sympathize with Chris Cuomo not weighing in on his brother Andrew even though they often shared opinions and their brotherhood on air in the past.

I worked in London for almost three years in the early '70s and for sure there was a sometimes not so subtle racial attitude. They had their own derogatory slang for non-whites. Let's face it, British Colonialism fostered racism everywhere once upon a time. It was not as blatant and violent as racism in America has been but it was systematic. Black people practically ran public transportation and held a lot of servant/charwoman/cleaner types of roles. Entire cities were predominantly black.

Where it really became unacceptable however is just before the break when Sharon started to drop the "F" bomb. That is when one's true nature shows itself. She is a very smart woman and can speak properly with the best of the educated British class. She has no doubt put up with more than most women could with Ozzie over the years but stayed for the most part. Good for her. I never watched an entire episode of their show, however,  nor any of the "reality" type shows. They were all staged with cameras and crew on site - no more "reality" than Judge Judy or the OJ trial. Everyone was performing for ratings - literally. Once again Sharon in particular dropped the "F" bomb every chance she could and so did her family. For me that defined their true audience.

It is tough to play hurt feelings and insult when you react with instinctive vulgarity. One's true colours come out in those moments. You didn't hear Sheryl use such language - not on camera at least.

Many of us left that behind in the school yard or at least know there is a time and a place for it. Public TV and its unknown audience is neither.


Sunday 14 March 2021

Maybe Mother Nature will have sympathy this year

Take Precautions - We are Facing a Spike

Here we are at the end of spring. Daylight Saving Time has kicked in again. COVID numbers are going in the right direction. Soon we will be outside enjoying our yards - even later on in the evening once the weather turns.

But still we have to be cautious. Once again we can't ignore all previous recommendations to protect ourselves - that could result in serious illness. Some will indeed get infected. It is always that way - even in good times this world still throws curve balls at us to keep us sharp. 

In truth this particular threat has been at the pandemic stage for decades. Maybe with advanced genetics we can come up with a way to tweak their own genes so they can do no physical harm to us. Then we could declare victory.

I have been lucky so far. I have tried to think of ways to protect myself and my spouse with something above and beyond what is available commercially but so far - nothing. In the meantime, I will try to enjoy myself until I have been exposed once too often and recognize the tell-tale symptoms.

Happens every year. This time I have to replace my netting and buy more spray - with DEET.

Damned mosquitoes - still cause disease. Still ruin it every year!
