Just Who are America's Traitors?
I couldn't count the number of times I have heard someone at the Capital Building on January 6, 2021 screaming the word "TRAITOR" into an American journalist's microphone. Just like their overuse of the word Socialist and Jihad, do they really know what it means?
Looking at online dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Google Online I found: one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty; one who commits treason; a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.; a person who gives away secrets about their friends, their country, etc.
The only betrayals of trust I have seen were committed by Donald Trump and his puppet Republicans telling the big lie about the election being stolen. The part about "is false to an obligation or duty" also applies since they are all sworn to tell the truth and uphold and defend the Constitution.
On the other hand when I look up treason, the act mentioned above as an act carried out by a traitor, I see: the crime of doing something that could cause danger to your country, such as helping its enemies during a war; the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government; the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family.
It is primarily Democrats and legitimate journalists who are using that word frequently and it is exactly what those invaders were doing.
This makes both Trump and the invaders traitors and certainly makes the latter guilty of treason. In times of war those are crimes often punishable by death, carrying out one's duty as leaders in a democratic government is only punishable by losing the next election, or Impeachment.
As for those who were screaming that the building and all its contents belonged to the people, that is true but they forgot to include that it belongs to ALL of the people including those inside and those who happen to disagree with the invaders.
Now hauling people who were carrying out their sworn responsibilities outside to hang, behead, shoot or via any other means MURDER them is not ANYBODY's right. People acting as judge, jury, and executioner have always been found guilty of a heinous crime.
But we all know these are wasted words. I am guilty of being logical. How dare I? Just listen to Marjorie Taylor Greene - Miss(ing) IQ, 2021. She must have won the IQ golf tournament at some time where lowest score actually does make you a winner. It is sad but people actually voted her into Congress, and its GOP leaders put her on committees that affect people's lives.
That is almost as scary as Covid. The GOP already has a vaccination for all of this. They just have to roll up their sleeves