Saturday 28 April 2018

Incel? What a Crock

Hell Hath No Fury Like a MAN Scorned 

Before the horror that recently unfolded on Toronto's Yonge Street North, I had never heard the term "Incel". Now that I have, as a man it leaves me speechless. There are so many things wrong with looking for any rational "motive" for what this animal did that I don't know where to begin.

It reminds me of "Road Rage". Please! Every time people demonstrate totally unacceptable and often illegal behaviour someone invents a new name, disorder, or syndrome for it. In the case of so-called Road Rage I have seen guilty women as well as men. They don't usually punch each other out on busy streets but their driving and anger can be just as unacceptable.

Does that mean that we will soon see sexually frustrated women annihilating people in as violent a manner as they can muster out of sheer rage against men? I seriously doubt it. They would have far more reason to do so than most men given the disparagement that women have traditionally experienced socially, at home, in religion, in the workplace etc. However can anyone imagine a female slaughtering others just because she isn't getting any?

Some things never change. For the most part if a woman of any age won't go out with a man there is usually a good reason for it. The same goes for losing interest in him or saying no to sex. Frequently he is just a jerk. On the other hand men think nothing of saying NO to even dating a woman based upon physical appearance alone. Will such spurned women start shooting soon? I hope not.

This is a male problem guys - time we started facing up to it. If you hear another guy talking spitefully about a woman just because he struck out engage him in dialogue. Share an experience when you were rejected as well. Try to gauge just how angry he is.

Who would have thought that the old slang term getting "Shot Down" would some day be so poignant?

The Brewster

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Florida Judge's Despicable Behaviour

Tasmanian Devil Judge

The recent video we saw of a female Florida judge chewing out a young girl at the other end of a video feed was outrageous. 

I don't know all the circumstances surrounding this but I don't have to. What I saw was behaviour that was totally unwarranted towards anyone but a misbehaving hard criminal or arrogant lawyer or prosecutor in her courtroom. I saw neither.

It almost looked as though she was auditioning for yet another "reality" court program (as if we need another "Judge Suzy Q"  Jerry Springer wannabe show.) 

Her early retirement was appropriate. If she just got up on the wrong side of the bed now is her chance to stay there for a long sleep.

The Brewster

Wednesday 18 April 2018

They Don't Make'm Like Barbara Bush Any More

Now THAT'S a Lady

Just like your grandmother (at least those in my generation); Angela Channing on Falcon Crest (Jane Wyman); or Kate Lawrence on Family (Sada Thompson), this was a lady who exuded respect, control, and grace from you or any of her family members.

I was very impressed with the tributes I heard last night after her passing. Most of us did not know Mrs. Bush but now I have much more of an appreciation for the person. When I saw footage of her husband's inauguration her eyes were just glued to him the entire time like the adoring wife she was.

However she managed to walk a line somewhere between the '50s stereotype housewife like June Cleaver and the '60's burn your bra feminists apparently not taking static from anyone lightly. She supported her husband throughout all of her endeavours and I suspect her husband would have done the same in return.

There will no doubt be some great documentaries or specials to follow. I hope I don't miss them. They were probably the ideal American Dream couple.

The Brewster