Sunday 23 August 2020

The True Spirit of the Republican and Democratic Parties

What's in a Name?

If you look in the archives of both parties, you will find the etymology for the name of each - R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N and D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T-I-C. They are both short forms. Each long form says a lot about the party in question.

(FYI: This IS fake news but don't tell you-know-who)

R - Rambunctious (Red-neck had not been coined yet)
E - Extroverted
P - Providential
U - Unadulterated
B - Bigots
L - Lacking
I - Impartiality
C - Contrition
A - And
N - Neutrality

D - Dogmatic
E - Energetic
M - Mishmash
O - Of
C - Caring
R - Rambling
A - Angelic
T - Theoretic
I - Idealistic
C - Cheerleaders

If you think this really is fake news and not just tongue in cheek humour, you need to get a life.

How about some of yours?


Thursday 16 July 2020

Social Distancing from The President

No Masking the Truth Either Donald

DJT is finally starting to allow himself to be seen wearing a mask when he thinks it will benefit his image - not his health or yours. He is wrong - dead wrong - about masks NOT helping with this virus. For sure however, he can not mask what is happening to his reputation and the public's opinion of him.

People are social distancing from DJT-2020 as well as Covid-2019. Let's hope they also wash their hands of him. The same goes for other countries. We have all heard the promises he made in 2016 and has not kept including divulging his tax returns. The same goes for the lies he has told numbering in the five digit range.

So let's try to shed this should be American and world leader in another light so that maybe more will finally see that light.

If you are honest and answer YES to any one of these 10 questions, how could you vote for him?

  1. Would he insult another woman the way he did Carly Fiorina in the debates?
  2. Would he insult another disabled person by mocking them the way he did a reporter in 2015?
  3. Would he cheat on his wife if he thought he could keep it hidden?
  4. Will he try to portray Biden's mild stutter as incompetence?
  5. If he is ever in a disaster will he ignore the code "Women and Children first"?
  6. Do you think Putin has something on him?
  7. Is he the only President you can think of that other world leaders have openly laughed at and mocked - even abandoned?
  8. Will he still lie during another campaign and if he is re-elected?
  9. Be really honest here - do you think he is a racist?
  10. Do you think most of those around him are racists

None of these should get a YES for a U.S. President. Put somebody in his place who fails with a perfect zero %


Monday 18 May 2020

Modern American History

POTUS 2009 vs POTUS 2016

There once was a man named Barack
Distinguished and sharp as a tack
With a cool, calm modus he soon became POTUS
Respect and honour was back

Eight years he was the master
Saving his land from disaster
Under Obama they took out Osama
Barack was America's Pastor.

Elected a second four years
Elated electors shed tears
He gave them health care and a future to share
Admired by all of his peers.

A third term wasn't allowed
But he and Michelle can be proud
Some people say he was like JFK
Will always stand out in a crowd.

Next the right wing prevailed
And after Barack's ship had sailed
With a shady renown they elected a clown
A man many thought should be jailed.

This guy got his dollars from Dad
His record of cheating was bad
Make America great he yelled in debate
Turning to Twitter when mad.

A new President tries to blame
The previous one - it's a game
He should say "The Buck Stops Here Today"
Blaming Obama sounds lame.

The best of the bunch always seem
To gather a strong loyal team
You don't roll the dice but take sound advice
A one man show is extreme

This guy says he knows best
The doctors, the generals, the rest
An Einstein he's not - he knows diddly squat
World leaders mock him in jest.

Of leadership skills he has none
Riling up rednecks for fun
Governs by lies pulling wool o'er your eyes
But COVID has him on the run.

When COVID numbered fifteen
It would all go away he would preen
Spouting off every day - never knew what he'd say
He had to be heard not just seen.

Black, brown and white heed the call
Republicans, Dems one and all
Your man's not just wild he's a petulant child

Send him back where he came in the fall!
