Monday 21 January 2013

MYTH: Prison and Corporal Punishment Don't Deter Crime

Punishment Does Deter Crime

If I had 10 bucks for each time I heard that punishment - spanking; shame; corporal; prison; and yes capital - do not work because they do not deter errant behaviour I would be much richer.

I believe this is bunk. There are usually statistics and "studies" cited to substantiate this old argument but we all know that we can find statistics to back any statement. So I won't but I will leave it up to you to find your own if you agree with the following. Personally I don't need statistics - life experience is good enough.

I also believe that the points I am about to make are fundamental everywhere - here in Canada where we don't really have a prison mentality and in other countries where they do.

Every year a group of guys I know who are already south of the 50th parallel of life get together for a round of golf late in the summer. We all attended the same public school - now demolished - or one of 2 or 3 high schools in our region. Some of our homes were a mile or two apart but we now consider ourselves former neighbours. One of the youngest built the golf course. We were not all friends back then because 2+ years of age difference when you are in primary school seem huge at the time but at this age we are now just one generation.

After commiserating over the game with a couple of beers, talk often gets around to the good old days. A favourite is what ever happened to ...? Those years - the '50s and '60s - had real life Fonzie's and tough guys who would bully or fight and yes, commit crimes. Some of them did die in violent circumstances or have spent time in the slammer.

We all lived with the threat of getting the strap at school or at home or both; sometimes being handled forcefully by teachers; going without our supper; or being sent to our rooms.  We all agree that those things did not deter those same guys from repeat behaviour. In fact getting the strap for some was cool.

So the main point of all of this is that in many cases - hard core criminals; murderers; rapists; burglars; fraud artists etc. - jail time will probably not work. They will often repeat their crimes.  However they represent only a very small group compared to the population at large - the REST of us.

The threat of punishment back then and even now did and still does deter that larger group. It certainly did me and from our discussions my colleagues are largely free from criminal records and do not want to spend the rest of their lives as Big Bubba's shower mate. We don't want to lose our right to drive or have to pay ridiculous insurance premiums. Our relatively normal lives mean too much to us.

Unfortunately over the decades many of those disincentives have been taken away by some people with good intentions. Look what has happened through those same decades.

We used to walk to and from school with no fear. We played outside at night. Our parents were comfortable with that. If you ticked off one of those tough guys you might get bruised but they did not pull out a gun and kill you. There were some gangs like those in West Side Story where real knife fights occurred but guns were seldom used. However none of us felt the absolute need to be in a gang just to survive.

Today all of those things do happen. Young kids do carry weapons and don't think twice about using them. Parents sue teachers for any physical contact and kids sue their parents for the same thing or even less. Some young girls go to school looking like five dollar hookers and guys dress just as badly. Sadly, today the parents blame the schools for not keeping their kids safe.

Surely there is a co-relationship here. As punishment disappeared, kids' behaviours degraded and then they carried those standards into parenthood as the norm.

To those who are against any form of physical punishment I believe that I and all of those golfing colleagues are proof that things were not so bad. In fact it DID work on all of us. I don't recall any teacher being charged for abuse of kids and if they were guilty of same, then if anything the courts back then were much tougher on them. The same applied to abusive parents.

So go for it web crawlers. Let's see some statistics for two things:

1. Increases in types of crime over the last 50 years or AND ...
2. The percentage that these offenders represent of the total population

I am convinced that even with today's more lenient courts, the disincentive for the larger group still works. So yes - build more prisons. When I am really angry the threat will keep me from lashing out. When I am in need of a lot of cash, I won't be taking my chances with bank robbery or burglary.

Surely that goes for most of you also. If not let us hear your counter argument.

The Brewster

Sunday 20 January 2013

Prostate Exams: The Fickle Finger of Fate - Bottoms Up Gents

When I was in my fifties I thought I was still young. Now I am somewhat north of that and my thoughts have changed. We all go through routine medical procedures as we age. Often follow-up visits to other specialists are recommended just “to be sure nothing else is going on”. When I hear that I fear something else is going on. I am right. I am getting old.

As a man I am at the age when that infamous annual finger-poke is recommended by my personal physician to check for prostate problems. While I am on the topic let me clarify something. The word is prostate, not prostrate. The latter is the position you are asked to assume in order to receive the former.

The procedure is normally performed during a routine physical. For those prurient females or for guys who are about to experience this most intimate of doctor / male patient relationships for the first time, I will tell you what to expect. To any female readers I recognize that women suffer a digital examination in a different and even more intimate orifice than we do, often from a male doctor.  There are no stirrups ladies – but there is plenty of intimacy.

Basically, you drop your drawers and lie prostrate on your side on “the table”. “The table” is covered by a microscopically thin roll of paper. This paper is to protect you from all of the creepy crawlies deposited by previous patients. Think about this! The examiner sees fit to wear latex gloves impervious to most bacteria while examining you on the table. You however are placed on a piece of tissue through which, in microscopic terms, you could drive a truck full of bacteria. Perhaps I am being too anal. Perhaps it is appropriate!

Some doctors prefer you to turn away from them – then you can’t see the smile on their face. Others ask you to turn towards them in which case you pretty much have your face in an area of their anatomy which I will leave to your imagination. That’s one of two moments I wish he were a she. The doctor, as mentioned, wears a latex glove - or is it two? I never really noticed. If not, there must be a lot of single gloves being discarded. Maybe the right-handers and the left-handers do an exchange - good for ecology.

He applies a suitable lubricant to you and the glove - WD40, 10W30 or some such thing. The examination only requires one finger. The other hand is busy holding things apart to give the proper - access. Use your imagination. With more portly men I suspect he probably needs the second hand just to extricate the first one. You are warned that there might be a feeling of “pressure” or of wanting to have a bowel movement. This is accurate!

The whole thing only takes a few seconds just like a male’s role in the more common act of intimacy. If it takes him longer I suggest you turn around to see just what the other hand IS doing! That’s about it. You are told you can put your clothes back on. I usually take this option.

There is instant verbal feedback – usually while you dress. If you are asked to join him in his office, start worrying. In my case I was told that I had “quite a large one”. This is the second time I wished he were female. Then those words might have been music to my ears. Just the same he said things felt normal. Maybe to you Doc. Nothing about the entire process felt normal to me.

Often a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test is recommended along with the regular blood tests performed by a lab. The PSA level can lead to an early discovery of prostate cancer. It costs an extra $35.00 at time of writing - not covered by our provincial medical plan. Funny how politicians are such masters at covering their own butts but they won’t cover mine.

Mine had been high three times in a row (my PSA count, not my GP). He referred me to an urologist. This is a specialist in butt-poking, rising PSAs, and other male parts that won’t rise. The good news was that this Master of The Poke also told me things felt normal but he wanted to see me twice a year. Is he weird or do I just have a nice butt? The bad news was that he suggested another follow-up procedure - in the hospital. It was to be - this is where it got scary - a prostate biopsy just “to be sure ... etc.!” No question about it - biopsy is a scary word.

This latest procedure was arranged. He explained why and attempted to reassure me. The PSA count is often misleading. Also, if there were a small growth in the prostate, the digital exam could miss it. This was very reassuring. The procedure would be quite painless. An “instrument” would be “inserted” (guess where) which would take several samples from the prostate. How? It would just shoot a little probe through the rectum (as in MY rectum) and into the prostate itself. Painless you say? Then he proceeded to further reassure me by saying that even the sampler could miss a small growth if it happened to probe on either side of it.

I left in a euphoric state of reassurance. As luck would have it the famous blackout of September 5, 2003 happened the evening before my biopsy. The hospital would not let him operate in the dark – good call - although something from the reassurances above told me that was exactly what he was doing. A few weeks later it was done and a couple of weeks after that I went to see him for the results. NEGATIVE. The bad news? As I said above, he wants to give me the poke twice a year now. Hopefully my GP will no longer feel the need.

Shortly thereafter, it was broadcast that several hospitals had reported that improper sterilization “procedures” were used in many recent prostate biopsy examinations with a risk of HIV & Hepatitis infection to the patients. Patients at risk would be contacted. Great - I am still waiting for the call. Feeling reassured.

Think you know everything about my butt now? Too much detail? Too bad. This could be you. I also happen to suffer from the occasional swollen hemorrhoid. Perhaps from all of this butt-poking? It ain’t from the sun shining therein.

As an aside, my GP has also scheduled me for a Barium Enema! That’s also fun and a topic for an entirely separate story – separate preparation; separate specialist; separate procedure; separate follow-up. Separate reassurance. Same butt!

And finally since all of this found nothing alarming he referred me to the big Kahuna of all specialists – the Proctologist! You think I was having fun before? This guy sticks a camera up your bum and watches it on TV. In this case he is looking for colon cancer. It seems to me there is potential for a new reality show here. I always wanted to be on the big screen but this is not what I had in mind.

All of this was to make me feel more confident that I was in good health. Let’s recap. The finger poke is not reliable. The PSA is not reliable. The biopsy is not reliable. Hospital hygiene is not reliable. The colonoscopy is quite reliable, but for a different type of cancer. The bills for all of this? You can bet that THEY are reliable. Thank you Medicare.

I was left with more than a couple of questions. How does a vet do the same exam on an elephant? I shudder to think. How can modern hospitals fail to properly clean something which has been inserted in a person’s ass? When I hear the expression “up yours” in the future will it trigger some of these memories?  Why would a Proctologist really want to be a Proctologist anyway? Can a doctor do their own “digital examination?” Would all of this have been more tolerable if women had been administering these procedures rather than men? I suspect I would have been even more embarrassed but for good reasons!

I thought by now I had been poked and prodded so often by so many that I would take it all in stride. Not so. Last week in the grocery store I stopped at the meat counter to ask the butcher to select some beef tenderloin. When he came over to the counter in the white lab coat and put the latex gloves on I instinctively turned around, bent over, and was loosening my belt before I realized it. When I came to my senses and turned back he was running for the nearest exit. I understand he has never been heard from since. That is only hearsay however - I’ve been banned from the store.

The truth is - all kidding aside - if any one of these procedures does turn up a problem that is a threat to my life or yours - it is worth it.

That’s a wrap – a bum wrap.

The Brewster

Thursday 27 December 2012

Cristmas Buying - The Fright Before Christmas (verse)


There are many renditions of the infamous “The Night Before Christmas” but here is mine. I did not realize that there was a controversy over who wrote the original (aka “A Visit from St. Nicholas”). There are many articles about this – just look it up. Here is one on Wikipedia: Generally attributed to Clement Clarke Moore the counter claim is by Major Henry Livingston Jr. 

I know without doubt that neither of them penned “The Fright Before Christmas” by The Brewster - me. I hope it brings a chuckle. 

The Fright before Christmas

(By The Brewster)

 ‘Twas the day before Christmas – that’s what I said,

Christmas” it is - no generics instead.

A time of traditions – don’t you agree?

Today I must buy my gifts for the tree! 

I and my brethren are known to forget,

All women concur I am willing to bet.

It’s in the male genes you must understand,
Women say that our mind’s in our gland. 

The annual tirade “Why leave it so late?”
My Dear I’m a man and this is our fate.
Her gifts are all wrapped and under the tree -
The tree that was almost forgotten by me. 

My task should be simple I hereby admit.
Baubles that sparkle or garments that fit.
Were she mechanical – fix things like me,
DeWalt or Makita under the tree! 

Be that as it may I set off in my car,
To buy her some wine – it was not very far.
Better re-think! My mind does remember,
The glare such a gift received last December. 

With nothing in mind I made the next right.
The traffic to take me wherever it might.
When all at once I heard such a clatter,
Red and blue lights pursuing some matter. 

I pulled to the curb as the law does dictate,
To let him go by in his much hurried state.
He didn’t pass so I looked in the mirror
A cruiser I saw and it couldn’t be nearer. 

Just what I needed in my distress.
Soon all the roads would be such a mess.
I glanced once again and what did I see?
One of our finest but he was a she. 

I rolled down my window and started to think.
Thank Santa today I had nothing to drink.
I know that I signalled the blinker still on,
This cop was a goddess and I was her pawn. 

“Any drinks Sir?” – she asked with a stare.
“What are you serving?” – gorgeous blonde hair.
“Please step outside” she said with no grin.
Making it clear that my charm would not win. 

“Do you know why I stopped you?” posed with a frown.
I decided to nix my attempts as a clown.
“I know that I signalled and came to a halt,
With no time to speed just what was my fault?” 

To sample my breath she was right in my face.
Halitosis perhaps but of drink not a trace.
“Your turn and your speed were fine” she did say.
“The problem you have – this street is One Way!” 

Four lanes of cars all swerving and weaving.
Horns and loud curses we were receiving.
I opened my door and sat down to wait
While officer Venus wrote up my fate. 

She gave me my summons then turned about face
To halt all the traffic – what a disgrace.
Dozens were watching as I withdrew.
I was the star and they were the crew. 

On with the task – my time is cut short.
Ironically now I could use a good snort.
Permit me this moment to whine and to pout.
I felt like a twit and I royally struck out! 

I know a place that is just ‘round the bend.
Two complete floors of a girl’s best friend.
Tiny blue box to bring instant smiles.
Gigantic bill to add to the piles.

It’s been a while since I bought her a gem.
No question about it – women like them.
I pull into the lot and I enter the fray
Of desperate men on their last shopping day. 

“May I help you?” after only ten paces.
The game has begun and she has all the Aces.
“I’m thinking a broach – something nice a surprise”.
That’s when I see her mouth and her eyes. 

Steady on mate – surely once is enough.
You are too old for this flirtatious stuff.
“A birthstone perhaps - which one?” she does quiz.
Strike two for I don’t have a clue what it is. 

“No problem Sir – the month she was born?”
Thank Santa I don’t have to get on the horn.
I told her and then she showed a selection.
I swear that those legs were total perfection. 

“I like this one” passed to me with a grin.
“I’ll take it” I said dreaming horrible sin.
                                   She wrapped it and I followed her to the till
Knowing my jaw was hung open still. 
“Cash or credit” calculating her take.
Flashing her pearly white teethe for my sake.
I took out my card and I gave it to her.
She swiped it through her till with a whir. 

Then while we waited – transactions were slow.
She knew from the start just how this would go.
I smiled and tried to really look cool
I knew she was thinking one thing “What a fool!” 

This awkward moment was suddenly broken
The Internet Gods had finally spoken.
Making me wish I were dead on the spot
“Invalid PIN” the response that I got.

“No problem” said I as I whipped out another.
“Account overdrawn” – I want my Mother!
I told her that I would be back with the cash
Then made for the door as quick as a flash. 

I sat in my car feeling just like a schmuck
How could one man in one day have such luck?
And there on the seat was another reminder
That nothing today would unfold much kinder. 

My lady cop had said with a snort
If I want to challenge she’d see me in court.
If this last half hour doesn’t beat all …
Officer Riley’s first name was PAUL! 

I here bare my soul on a cold winter’s night
To lessen your load when you hear my plight.
So when you partake of that big meal divine.
Remember your Christmas was better than mine!